Dickinson County CEO students visited Wizard of Odz and Ends in Abilene. Owners Kylie & Justin Hicken shared insights into their business and delved into their personal entrepreneurial journey. Kylie encouraged our students to follow their passions and find ways to differentiate themselves from the competition. She explained how Wizard of Odz and Ends leverages virtual reality technology to transform and enhance customer experiences, setting their business apart in a unique and innovative way.

Justin encouraged our future leaders to persevere through challenges. "There are no problems, only situations that need solutions," His words provided a fresh perspective on overcoming obstacles and highlighted the importance of relentless effort and creativity in entrepreneurship.

Our visit to Wizard of Odz and Ends was not just a lesson in business but a masterclass in innovation, determination, and the power of reimagining oneself and one’s business to thrive in a competitive landscape.

A huge thank you to Kylie & Justin Hickens for hosting us and for being such incredible role models for our students!

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